Arbitration far from home: Practice and principles of international arbitration through the scope of three key geopolitical events
Introduction When the clock struck six on the evening of March 6th 2023, I was entering the elevator of number 8 Connaught Place in the...
Les droits de l’homme en mer : régime de protection et moyens de recours
I. Les mers et les océans : un territoire vaste et accueillant des personnes vulnérables Chaque jour, les océans accueillent environ 30...
Can Islamic law (Shari’a) be a way to effectively enforce intellectual property protection in Islamic states?
The perception of intellectual property (IP) as “an expensive moral luxury”[1] is a common argument often spread out in emerging...
Genital alterations: hypocrite legislations?
Multiple terms exist to describe what I will personally call “genital alterations”. It is common knowledge that female genital...
Recevabilité de l'action en contrefaçon pour violation d'une licence de logiciel : la cour d'appel de Paris maintient sa jurisprudence
Dans un arrêt du 19 mars 2021, la Cour d'appel de Paris se prononce sur la portée de l'arrêt IT Development / Free Mobile de la CJUE et...
The UEFA Champions League reform: a barometer of the regulation of the competitive balance of sport under European Union law
“Any club or player involved in such a competition would as a consequence not be allowed to participate in any competition organised by...
La personnalité juridique entre Orient & Occident : Sua cuique persona ?
« La « personne » est plus qu’un fait d’organisation, plus qu’un nom (…) elle est un fait fondamental du droit. En droit, disent les...
Investor-State Disputes during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Balancing Public Health Concerns and Foreign Investors’ Rights
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen governments around the world scrambling to find a way to contain the spread of the...